Friday, September 26, 2014

What's the big deal about Social Media?


What IS the big deal about Social Media?  Is Liking, Sharing, Commenting on content someone posts all that important?  Isn't it enough that you buy their products,  use their service, or support their organization?  You already appreciate their business or their contribution to the community.  Surely, just knowing 
that is enough!  Isn't it?     

 I get asked these questions in some form or another quite often.  The bottom line answer is simple ... Well, no, not really.  Don't misunderstand.  Of course, most people who have a business page or account of some sort will appreciate your support ... more than appreciate ...  grateful!!!  However, if you, as a consumer, a business person or owner, or a person who is active in an organization of any type, really want to support  them, and perhaps even ensure their longevity, by all means, offer your support on social media!

Here's why!  To paraphrase a recent statement I read on a Blog about social media ... Shares, Comments, and Retweets are the holy grail and not just the Likes or Follows.  It's the actual interactions that bump up a business or community page in the search engine results of that page.  So, while it's nice to have 500+ followers or likes on your social media pages, the cream of the crop is in the actual interactions with your followers.   So, to continue down this road to its logical end:   more interactions = moving up higher in search engine results = more potential interest in your page = success!!!!  A bit oversimplified, but those are  the basic facts.  Simple, right?   Well, not so much, to use a trite current expression.

Most small businesses and community organizations struggle to find out how to entice their followers to share or comment on their content.  Thousands of articles, blogs and books have been written with how-to ideas, tips and rules of do's and don'ts to help with that ever elusive perfect post that will elicit those delicious comments and delightful shares!

"Content Is King!"  I can't even begin to tell you how many times I have heard and read this phrase, which, by the way, is correct.  It's the content that will prompt people to interact.  So, the never ending search by people sitting in front of their computers (like me) searching for the magic words and images that will be irresistible to someone reading them.  And, then, hopefully, they will say to themselves, "I must share this!"  Or, words to that effect.  
And then, Click!    

So, when businesses and community pages you've already liked and are following,  post something on their status of facebook, twitter, linkedin, or google+, take a minute and read it.  If you really do "Like" it, please comment and share it with your friends, family, or business associates.  And, in turn, they might just do the same for you! 


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